In less than one hundred years the level of oxygen in our atmosphere has fallen from 35% to 19%. In direct relation to this decline the earth has experienced a massive increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. In the past 50 years alone atmospheric CO2 levels have increased from 315ppm to 370ppm and we are now experiencing undeniable climate changes associated with that increase (global warming).
The 500 million vehicles on the planet consume seventy times the oxygen required for our 6 billion inhabitants. To produce sufficient oxygen to replace this loss we would need to replant an area the size of Great Britain every year. Of course this is not happening. In fact the world’s rainforests, our major oxygen producers, are still plundered at a depressing rate. What does this oxygen depletion mean to the man in the street? American actor Woody Harrelson has financed a string of oxygen bars around the US. Patrons are hooked up to liquid oxygen and experience the levels of oxygen that granddad would have felt as a child! Is this typical American excessiveness or are we all oxygen deficient to some degree? If large numbers of people are embracing a supplement then that suggests that this supplement is successfully addressing a deficit.
At the recent Radiance Health Festival at Woodford in SE Qld, Brisbane, Naturopath Glen Gillard organised the testing of the majority of the crowd who attended his oxygen presentation. Checking with a hand-held oxygen meter he was able to determine that over 70% of those tested were oxygen deficient in varying degrees.
Oxygen is the most abundant of the five basic elements of life that American author/ consultant, Hugh Lovell terms “The Five Sisters”. Not only is this colourless, tasteless and odourless element more abundant than her siblings hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen and sulfur but she is also much more gregarious. Oxygen is the only element that is capable of combining with almost every other element. In fact the essence of oxygen lies in her capacity to conjoin. Oxygen brings energy to the amalgamation; she brings fire to the fusion. When calcium meets oxygen, for example, the union produces the energising characteristics of lime. The fusion of silicon and oxygen spawns the stimulating, protective characteristics of silica. In the biological realm hydrogen combines with oxygen to form water – the lifeblood of the planet.
Plants release oxygen as a by-product of their carbon-binding photosynthesis while animals require oxygen to free carbon (CO2) during the breathing process. The majority of the vast microbial workforce in the soil is oxygen dependent, Getting a breath of fresh O2 from an oxygen dispenser in fact without oxygen there would be no animal or plant life on earth. While carbon is the sculptor’s clay or the puppet maker’s wood, oxygen is the deliverer of life force both literally and ethereally. Oxygen accounts for 85% of seawater, 47% of dry soil, 42% of all vegetation, 46% of rocks and 65% of the human body. From a subtle energy perspective, Ether, the organisational field which is the basis of radionics, homeopathy, kinesiology, reiki, acupuncture, chi, prana and spirituality is both transported and internalised by oxygen. So what happens when we address oxygen deficits in the human body? Let’s look at the role of oxygen in human health.
We breathe an average of 7 litres of air each minute (up to 120 litres during heavy exertion). Oxygen diffuses into the blood stream via lung tissue called the gastric mucosa that has a surface area exceeding 140 square meters. Haemoglobin in the red blood cells absorb this oxygen to the point of 95% saturation & it is then transported in the blood stream to every one of the billions of cells in our body. The oxygen is used by these cells to convert sugars into energy & health. This process of burning carbohydrates for body fuel is called oxidisation.
Energy is about having an adequate and continuous oxygen supply. Dual Nobel Prize winner, Dr Otto Warburg was responsible for some of the seminal research into the importance of oxygen to cellular life. Dr Warburg demonstrated that the production of Adenosine Tri-Phosphate (ATP) was dependent upon oxygen. He referred to ATP as ‘The pure energy of the cell’. The simple six-carbon sugar, glucose, is produced by the process of photosynthesis and converted to more complex carbohydrates by the plant. When plants are consumed these carbohydrates are converted back to glucose by the human digestive system & stored in the cells. When energy is required, a chemical reaction between glucose & oxygen creates ATP. In the absence of adequate oxygen the glucose in the cells begins to ferment creating a serious anaerobic condition. Just as anaerobic conditions in the soil produce toxic chemicals that affect plant health, a similar scenario creates undesirable toxins that weaken cells & compromises the all important human immune system.
We are in the midst of the greatest plague in the history of mankind. While the Great Plague in Europe affected one in four people our current scorecard is considerably more grim. Cancer will now affect one in every 2.7 of us (one in 2 in the US) during our lifetime. One in every three people in the US will contract diabetes and one in 2.9 will contract heart disease. There are numerous other diseases both chronic and degenerative which ensure that our hard-won extended life spans are anything but comfortable in the later years.
The key to beating the odds is a healthy, fully functioning immune system. The immune system is currently assaulted on four fronts: (1) the food we eat today contains just 20% of the nutrients that were present in the food consumed by our grandparents. It is these missing nutrients that were intended to support & sustain our protective systems. (2) Our immune system is constantly under attack by over 70,000 registered chemicals in our environment, the effects of which are uncertain as very little research has been carried out on these countless combinations. (3) Beneficial gut organisms have been decimated by antibiotics (both those prescribed and those present in most factory-farmed meat), food stabilisers (biocides), drugs, stress and diet. These organisms which should total ten trillion (twice the number of cells in our body) play a major role in supporting & training the immune system. (4) Oxygen deficits & their link to ATP play a major role. Anaerobic cells are proven precursers to cancer…it’s important to balance & alkalise.
A lack of cellular ATP drastically alters the body’s sodium/potassium balance in the individual cells, the bloodstream and in the fluid that surrounds the cells. This chemical change alters the electrical fields in the cells and bloodstream with serious consequences. Minerals begin to ‘fall out’ of the fluids surrounding the cells and the bloodstream and start sticking together to form mineral deposits. Arthritis is a result of the settling of these minerals in the joints while hardening of the arteries is created by minerals accumulating in these transport tubes. Insufficient ATP also upsets the transfer of electrically charged messages from the brain to the muscles creating muscle spasms or poor muscle response.
There is a fascinating parallel between soil health, plant health and human health in terms of ideal pH! At pH 6.4 the soil is at its most productive with maximum availability of nutrients. When the plant sap pH is 6.4 that plant will be at its most disease resistant and it will produce good yields of high quality produce. When human sap (saliva and urine) has a pH of 6.4 there is an identical link to disease resistance and a potent immune system. Unfortunately the majority of us suffer from diet-induced acidity which predisposes us to ill health and disease.
The stabilisers used in processed foods are all highly acidic. Refined carbohydrates (white sugar and white flour) are the most acid-forming of all foods. A can of coke containing corn syrup equivalent to eleven teaspoons of sugar & enough phosphoric acid to reduce the pH to just 2.9 is a double whammy from an acidity perspective. When the body suffers from systemic acidity there is an excess of positively charged hydrogen ions. Oxygen is called upon to help to neutralize the acid & this reduces the oxygen available for ATP production in the cells. In this manner acidity, oxygen deficiency, immune system assault & subsequent disease are all part of the same story.
There are a number of factors that steal the body’s oxygen and help to generate oxygen deficiency and subsequent ATP shortages. These thieves include the following:
• A Toxic Environment – Food, air and water are all contaminated to some degree in our abused environment. Oxygen is a major detoxifier and available oxygen is used to metabolise these unwanted contaminants from the body. Rubbish, toxins and cellular debris are destroyed by oxygen and removed from the system.
• Physical Trauma and Microbial Stress – Physical injuries or bacterial and viral infections put pressure on the immune system. Oxygen is needed to neutralise free radicals, caused by infections but it is also a powerful pathogen killer in its own right. Harmful anaerobic bacteria and viruses cannot survive in the presence of oxygen. Thankfully oxygen is selective with this killer capacity. Unlike the indiscriminate drugs and antibiotics, oxygen takes out the bad guys leaving the beneficials to thrive. The oxygen molecule in stabilised oxygen supplements forces the anaerobes to give up some of their electrons, killing them in the process. Aerobic beneficials will not give up their electrons and neither will the beneficial gut bacteria, which live under both aerobic & anaerobic conditions. In fact these are actually stimulated by oxygen.
• Poor dietary habits – the consumption of the wrong kinds of fats can rob oxygen from the bloodstream. Saturated fats have been given a bum rap in this regard as it is actually the vegetable oils that do the major damage. These denatured oils that have often been heated and extracted under intense pressure or manufactured with the use of toxic solvents are the greatest link to heart disease. We were never designed to consume this quantity of these oils. The critical balance between omega six and omega three fatty acids which should ideally be 1 to 1 has blown out to 20 to 1 in favour of omega 6 and this is directly attributable to over consumption of vegetable oils.
Apart from this serious nutrient imbalance these oils become carcinogenic trans fatty acids when they are heated during cooking. The worst of the bunch is margarine where the toxicity is further enhanced via the process of hydrogenation. Try this simple test for yourself. Take a tablespoon of butter and a tablespoon of margarine and place them outside. Within minutes birds, pets, ants and other wildlife will converge on the butter (an amazing complete food) while the margarine will remain untouched. These oils generate free radicals, which damage artery linings, and extra oxygen is consumed in the production of anti-oxidants to combat these free radicals. The other issue from a diet perspective relates to the actual oxygen content of food. Complex carbohydrates like vegetables and grains have up to 100% more oxygen than processed foods.
• Emotional Stress – Stress has become the greatest single health hazard in our pressure-packed environments. Adrenaline and related hormones are overproduced during times of stress. The body uses available oxygen to remove those unwanted chemicals from the system in an effort to re-establish metabolic balance.
• Lack of Exercise – Exercising increases metabolic rates while increasing oxygen intake to help with the ongoing process of detoxification. A sedentary lifestyle reduces metabolic function and reduces the body’s capacity to remove toxic contaminates.
• Reduction in Atmospheric Oxygen – If our oxygen levels are only half what they were 100 years ago then there must be inevitable consequences for animals dependant upon that oxygen.
In the late 80s a NASA scientist experimenting with the electrode extraction of hydrogen from water found that he could neutralize the acidic oxygen residue with sea salt. To his surprise he found that he had inadvertently stumbled across a completely natural technique to stabilize oxygen. His discovery, Di-atomic oxygen which could deliver 30 times more oxygen than tap water was never commercially developed by NASA although it was widely used in the space program. In recent years an Australian manufacturer has improved upon the process and the result is a potent oxygen supplement (marketed exclusively by NTS) called OxyForce™.
The solution is energised using the Grander Living Water system and the 5% oxygen component remains stable for a minimum of 14 months following manufacture. Oxyforce™ is supplemented at 15-25 drops once or twice a day as a maintenance dose but it can be used at higher rates as a problem-solver. In summary, there are five key benefits linked to supplementation with stabilised oxygen:
1) Energy – 90% of our body’s energy is created by oxygen. Oxygen is the ultimate energiser and results can be profound, particularly in conditions characterised by lack of energy (ie Chronic Fatigue Syndrome)
2) Chronic pain is caused by a lack of cellular oxygen. The lower the level of cellular oxygen the higher the level of pain.
3) Ox-Detox – a proactive game plan for prolonged health and well being should include any strategy that can help to remove the toxins, which are integral to our polluted planet. Oxygen supplementation is one such strategy.
4) Proactive disease prevention – Dr Warburg stated that cellular hypoxea (oxygen deficiency) is not only the underlying cause of diseases like cancer but it also results in a predisposition towards degenerative diseases. A lack of oxygen is also the outstanding factor in immune depressive diseases.
5) Microbe Management – stabilised oxygen is antibacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal and it is selective (taking out the pathogens while boosting the beneficials).
Oxy-Force™ is available in 200ml and 500ml bottles. The diatomic oxygen molecules in Oxyforce™ are housed in a solution of activated water and sea salt.