As winter approaches, the days get shorter and temperatures drop, we can boost our immune system and our ability to fight infections with natural foods and nutrition, as well as good hygiene, reduce stress and get adequate rejuvenating sleep. If illness comes on, there are a few ways to shorten the duration and ease the symptoms of colds, flu & sickness.
Eat Immune Boosting foods– kiwi fruit, tomatoes, red/orange vegetables eg. carrots & capsicum provide Vit. C, & anti-oxidants B-carotene & lycopene.
Get Plenty of Vitamin C – it is recognized the Vit. C plays a role in boosting the respiratory system’s defense mechanisms. Aim for at least 5 serves of Vit.C rich foods a day – the top of the list being blackcurrants, kiwi fruit, citrus fruits-oranges & lemons, capsicum, broccoli & cauliflower.
Think Zinc- is a mineral shown to support immune function and hinder viral growth. Ensure a regular intake of zinc, iron & Vit.E rich foods such as lean meat, shellfish-oysters, low fat milk, whole grains, nuts & beans
Sip Hearty Soups- Researchers in the USA, investigated the age old adage- treat a cold with chicken soup/broth. The study found that in addition to providing nutrition and hydration, home made soup contained anti-inflammatory properties, providing therapeutic benefits and emotional comfort.
Keep Fluids Up- Fluids are especially important for easing cold and flu symptoms, as they prevent the nose and throat lining from drying out, which keeps mucous moist and easy to clear. Warm liquids when sipped stimulate nasal clearance. Symptoms such as fever, sweats, vomiting or diarrhoea can further dehydrate the body, so sipping water, soup, juice and herbal teas are good options.
Other Nutrients Vit.A, Vit.E & Selenium- all have immune boosting properties. Rich sources of Vitamin A include eggs, milk, yoghurt, carrots, spinach & apricots. Nuts, grains, vegetable oils & wheatgerm provide Vit.E. Sources of selenium are brazil nuts, seafood, organic meat & poultry.