One of the biggest problems at the end of the year is people suffering from exhaustion, being run-down and extreme fatigue.
Fatigue, or a lack of energy, can be accompanied by many additional symptoms, including exhaustion, listlessness and low motivation. Lack of energy is a problem for many adults, but finding ways to combat this problem can be difficult. In many cases, people do not fully understand the root cause of their poor energy levels. For people suffering from these negative symptoms, discovering some of the potential causes is the first step toward developing a plan to boost your energy.
Lack of sleep can cause low energy
Many people have problems sleeping whether it is just hard for them to get to sleep, mind active, restless or just a light sleeper, over a period of time these problems are going to cause fatigue and lack of energy.
The main causes of insomnia are:
- Anxiety
- Stress and over active adrenal glands (fight and flight response instead of sleep)
- Depression and also certain anti depressants can cause insomnia.
- Hormonal changes especially for women: Disrupted sleep is a common cause of daytime fatigue. Worry, anxiety and depression keep women of all ages on high alert, tossing and turning throughout the night. Hot flashes and night sweats – caused by hormonal imbalance and resulting in disrupted sleep – lead inevitably to fatigue. Adrenal insufficiency due to stress, poor diet choices, or the effects of peri menopause on thyroid function and melatonin synthesis also leads directly to fatigue.
- Believe it or not, just sitting around – yes, lack of physical activity – can sap your body of its vigour. You have to use energy to have energy!
- Decreased melatonin in the skin (absence of natural sunlight)
- Medical conditions such as allergies, pain, arthritis, fibromyalgia, asthma, heart disease, high blood pressure, hyperthyroidism and Parkinson’s disease.
It is important to develop strong sleeping patterns, such as going to bed at the same time every night, waking at the same time every morning and avoiding excessive caffeine in the evening hours. Remember while we are sleeping our body is healing and repairing itself.
Poor Nutrition Also Contributes to Low Energy
An unhealthy diet full of refined sugar, fatty food and caffeinated beverages can also be one of the major causes of a lack of energy. Overcome this, by eating a balanced diet with 3-4 serves of fruits, 6-8 serves of vegetables, complex carbohydrates and proteins daily.
Cut back on processed snacks & be sure to drink plenty of quality water, 8-10 glasses a day. By making a few healthy choices each day, it is possible to dramatically boost energy levels, reduce fatigue and increase motivation. Two of the truest sayings I’ve heard are “We are what we eat”, the other one is “What we eat today walks & talks tomorrow” that is a scary thought.
Life-Style changes check list
If fatigue or lack of energy has been a problem for a long time, the first step is to take a look at possible life-style causes and examine how they can be changed.
- Am I getting enough regular exercise (at least 30- 40 mins, three times a week)?
- Am I drinking enough quality water (approximately 8-10 glasses per day)?
- Do I drink no more than 3 cups of coffee, tea or soft drinks per day and keep caffeine intake to a minimum? (It is best to cut out all caffeine and sugar drinks as even 3 will affect your energy levels).
- Do I keep alcohol intake to a minimum (no more than 1 drink per night/day)?
- Do I eat enough fruit & vegetables (3-4 portions fruit & 6-8 portions of veges / day)?
- Do I eat a balanced diet with recommended carbohydrates, proteins, fats and fibre?
- Am I getting enough iron in my diet?
- Do I eat three meals a day and two snacks of healthy foods?
- Am I getting enough sleep (the average person needs between 7-8 hours per night)?
- Do I set aside quality rest and relaxation time?
- Do I deal with emotional issues and conflict in a pro-active manner?
- Am I managing my stress levels efficiently?
If you answered no to any of these questions, try and rectify those aspects of your life-style by making the necessary changes.
Stress Wreaks Havoc on Energy Levels
Many people may be surprised that stress is one of the leading causes of low energy. In addition to interfering with sleeping patterns, prolonged stress leaves the body in a perpetual state of anxiety. Over time, this stress can lead to symptoms such as headaches, decreased immunity and a general lack of energy. People experiencing too much stress on a day-to-day basis should focus on finding ways to relieve stress while boosting energy levels. Some of these techniques might include meditation, relaxation therapy, and Tai chi, even exercise has is a great benefit even if it is just going for a walk.
Supplements to boost Energy level
- Vitamin B Complex
- Vitamin C
- Super Greens, alkalising
- Super Reds antioxidants
- Siberian Ginseng
- Co enzyme Q10
- Liver detox
- Probiotics