How can this plant help your health?

Coconut Nutrition

  • The flesh and milk of the coconut have good levels of magnesium, potassium, iron and zinc. These nutrients are important for assisting with acid/alkaline balance in the body, healthy immune function, and good energy levels.
  • Contains anti-oxidants vitamin C and selenium, which assist in the cleaning up of free radicals in the body caused by poor diet, pollution and stress.
  • Coconut can be a great addition to your diet, as the anti-oxidants protect against cell damage and aging, and recent research has shown coconut oil to have a protective effect on cardiovascular tissue. 

Coconut Oil

  • Coconut oil is a medium chain fatty acid, which means it is great for energy production, and speeding up the rate at which the body burns fat.
  • This oil has been greatly maligned in the past due to its largely saturated fat content. Recent research has confirmed that vegetable sourced fats act on the body in a different way to saturated animal fats.
  • Research has shown that only unprocessed, or virgin coconut oil protects heart function and cardiac tissue.
  • Coconut oil is able to be heated to high temperatures, 120 degrees C, without damage, making it ideal for frying and baking.
  • It also has a delicious coconut flavour that is great for fish and chicken.
  • Coconut oil is also used widely as a moisturizer.