‘Tis the season to be merry, and we take merriment very seriously here at TMP Organics. Christmas is our all-time favourite season, but we know that it entails a little bit of stress, especially if you’re planning a big family get-together.

You’ll need to buy meaningful gifts, ensure that your house is properly cleaned and decorated, and, of course, make sure that no one remains hungry on this joyful day.

That’s why TMP Organics is here. We’ll help you to prepare the best ever Christmas meal that everyone will be talking about at every upcoming family reunion.

Take a look at what we have in store for you this Christmas season and get ready to fill your belly.

All the Parts of a Perfect Meal

If you want to have a perfect get-together this Christmas, you should take the time to create a perfect meal. Regardless of your food preferences, taste, or even cooking ability, you can get all the ingredients you need for a delicious full-course meal right here at TMP Organics.

Stock up on snacks for the kids, candy canes for the Christmas tree, chocolates for your DIY Advent Calendar, and more. We are your one-stop-shop for all your Christmas needs.


Every meal should start with some form of an appetizer. You can serve the appetizer away from the dining table since it usually includes finger foods and small bites.

Perfect ingredients for an appetizer can be as simple as you’d like. You can visit us at TMP Organics to stock up on chips, pretzels, and other snacks to use as appetizers – it’s tasty and simple.

We also offer a variety of different organic dips and nibbles that will be an ideal start to your Christmas meal. If you have your favourite family recipe for a homemade dip that will go with any appetizer, you’ll likely find all the organic ingredients you need right here with us.

First Course

Homemade vegetable soup or a delicious salad is a must at your Christmas table. One of our favourite soup recipes at TMP Organics is for the classic chicken noodle soup. It’s easy to prepare and will go with any main course dish you choose for your Christmas dinner.

The ingredients you’ll need for a chicken noodle soup include:

  • 400g of chicken breast fillet
  • 440g of thin noodles of your choice
  • 1L of chicken stock
  • 4 cups of water
  • 3 carrots
  • 2 celery sticks
  • 1 large onion
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 2tsp dried rosemary
  • ¾ cup of fresh parsley

Choose your favourite stockpot and heat 1 tablespoon of olive oil in it. Add your diced onion and garlic, and stir until it’s all softened. Slowly add your diced carrots and celery, and stir for a few minutes until they’ve softened as well. Add your chicken stock and water to the pot, and wait until it boils.

Now it’s time to add your boiled and shredded chicken breast and parsley to the pot, leave it on medium heat and let it simmer for about 20 minutes. You can now add the thin noodles, and just let it all simmer until they’re cooked. You can season your soup to taste, and voila — your perfect Christmas chicken noodle soup.

You can buy all the ingredients at TMP Organics, and cut your shopping time in half.

Main Course

Every good Christmas dinner will have some good-quality meat at the table. Whether you want to roast a chicken, turkey, make beef stew, or prepare a lamb chop, TMP Organics has you covered.

We offer a wide variety of meats and fish and guarantee that you’ll always get the best cut. In our store, you’ll find all the ingredients you need for stuffing, dressing, and preparing your main course, and if you need a palate cleanser, you can get some fresh vegetables and salads that will complement your main course perfectly.

Side Dishes

You don’t have to spend hours preparing the side dishes for your Christmas dinner. You’ll probably be busy enough with the main course, so keep the side dishes simple.

They often come as a palate cleanser just before the dessert, so you can go the easiest way and offer some biscuits and crackers with a few slices of cheese. A nice, delicious dip on the side could also be quite welcomed.

All you need for your side dishes can be found at TMP Organics. You can order all you need for your Christmas menu online, then just pick it up Sunday 22nd December 2019, Monday 23rd December 2019 or Tuesday 24th December 2019.


Everyone’s favourite part of the meal. Whether you’ll offer Christmas puddings, or need organic chocolate for your delicious chocolate cake, you’ll find the freshest ingredients at TMP Organics.

Cacao powder, milk, chocolate almonds, chocolate buttons, coconut sugar, and more are all available in-store in time for Christmas, so place your order today.

There’s No Christmas without a Christmas Advent Calendar

Everyone loves Christmas Advent Calendars, and everyone has fond memories of eating the delicious chocolate that these calendars are hiding. You can enjoy the beautiful tradition of opening the windows on the calendar one at a time and getting a tasty treat, poem, or an image once all the windows are opened.

TMP Organics offers you a wide range of different Christmas Advent Calendars that can be fun for your entire family.

Decorate Your Christmas Tree with Sweet Treats

Nothing screams Christmas quite like a Christmas tree that has countless refreshingly tasty candy canes hanging from it. The candy cane is the original Christmas treat, and you must have it on this joyful day.

These delicious treats are available in-store, so be sure to pick up a few the next time you visit us.

‘Tis a Gift-Giving Season

Christmas is a time to eat delicious foods, spend some quality time with your friends and family, and exchange some meaningful gifts. If your Christmas shopping list has been stressing you out, you have nothing to worry about any more.

Not only do we offer organic food and produce here at TMP Organics, but we also have organic beauty and care products, household items, and clothing.

You can buy all the gifts for your entire family in one place, and ensure that your Christmas menu is taken care of as well.

Shop Organic

Regardless of the time of year, whether you’re stuffing on a juicy Christmas turkey or dieting after the holidays with vegetables and salads, it’s always best to choose certified organic foods. Organic produce can bring you and the environment many benefits.

While organic food isn’t always more nutritious than regular (or non-organic) food, it’s healthier. Organic fruits, vegetables, and other produce are grown without harmful synthetic pesticides, toxins, fertilizers, and herbicides.

There are no GMOs, growth hormones, or irradiation. All this means that your food will be much safer and healthier.

Many of these chemicals have been linked with numerous health issues, including cancer, childhood leukemia, asthma, and Parkinson’s disease. It’s always best to err on the side of caution and to choose healthy alternatives that will do you no harm.

The fact that organic produce is made without the use of harmful substances means that our environment is healthier as well. No toxins and synthetic chemicals will be polluting our land, air, and water.

Not to mention that organic farmers use sustainable farming methods which can help promote biodiversity on farms and reduce the amount of pollution produced by conventional agricultural methods.

All these are reasons why we at TMP Organics have chosen to go the sustainable and organic route. We believe that if more people choose organic, we’ll have a healthier and happier population that spreads joy on Christmas and any other day of the year.

Shop Locally

If you want to eat healthier, organic food, you should also always shop locally. Big supermarkets have shelves marked “Organic” – however, it’s often difficult to find certified organic produce there. At TMP Organics, you’ll always know that what you’re buying is 100% organic and safe, and you’ll know where your produce comes from.

We’re partnered with local organic farmers who bring fresh and safe produce to your table. By shopping with us, you’ll be supporting these local farmers and putting your money back into the local economy.

Whether you’re buying meat, vegetables, fruits, or desserts, you’ll know that it’s all brought to you from farm to plate. All your food is guaranteed to be fresh, full of nutrients, and packed with rich flavour. You cannot get that from a supermarket.

We’re always focused on environmental, animal, and consumer wellbeing, and we’re doing our best to create a sustainable future for all. Join us this Christmas and choose a local shop that will provide you with fresh ingredients gotten straight from the local farms.