- Which toxins may trigger breast cancer?
- How do you reduce your risk?
This guide for breast health is by Rosemary Ann Ogilvie, Nature & Health Jan 2007
Here are some strategies for breast cancer prevention…give up smoking, reduce alcohol intake to one glass or less per day, exercise regularly, each change of season do a cleansing fast, practice stress reduction, limit exposure to plastics, to agricultural, household & environmental chemicals, to radiation & electro-magnetic fields.
Supplement with the following daily: to improve oestrogen detoxification…
B-50 complex, plus 400 to 1000 mcg b12, & 400 to 800mcg folic acid.
Zinc 25-30mg, Selenium 200mcg, Betacarotene 25000IU, and Vitamin A 20,000IU,
Vitamin C 500 to 1500mg, natural Vitamin E 400-800IU, Co-enzyme Q10 100 to 150mg, Chromium 200mcg, 2 cups of green tea daily, avoid charred meat and eat as close to nature as possible, ideally organic foods. Switch to grass fed, organic meats. Other meats may contain toxins and growth hormones.
Aim to eat as wide a variety of plant foods as possible, from across the full colour spectrum. Aim to eat the following daily: vegetables 325 to 600g per day, especially green leafy vegetables, onions and garlic, Fruits: 125 to 400g per day.
Wholegrain cereals, legumes and pulses like beans, peas and lentils, bananas, roots and tubers like carrots, parsnips, beetroot, turnips and radishes, seven (7) servings totaling 750gm per day.
Eliminate trans fats, reduce intake of saturated fats,eat adequate quantities of omega3s
Learn to love sea vegetables for the iodine necessary for proper thyroid function. Avoid refined white sugars and grains. Keep your digestive function operating well, by taking a daily probiotic supplement.
The following references contain a wealth of nutritional information on complementary and conventional medical therapies for cancer.
How to Prevent & treat Cancer with natural medicine by Dr Michael Murray, Dr Tim Birdsall, Dr Joseph Pizzorno & Dr Paul Reilly, Penguin Books ISBN 1 57322 222 4.
The Complete natural medicine guide to Breast Cancer by naturopathic doctor Sai Dharam Kaur, ISBN 0 7788 0083 0.
Breast Cancer beyond Convention, edited by Mary Tagliaferri M.D., L.A.c.Atria Books