Toxincan makyou feel sluggishtiredirritable and generally unwellTo find ouiyouhealtis being affected btoxinsasyourselthese questions:

  • Aryou often tired olethargic?
  • Do you regularlsuffefrom bloatingdiarrhoeaconstipation oothedigestive disturbances?
  • Do you gerecurrenheadaches?
  • Aryou regularlsuffering from muscle acheand pains?
  • Do pooshortterm memorand concentration affecyouabilittfunction awork?
  • Do you have allergieosensitivities?
  • Do you suffefrom depressionanxietand/omood swings?

Staying Healthy in a Toxic World

In oubusmoderworldtoxinarcommonlencounteredEnvironmentatoxins include things like heavymetalspesticideschemicalsfood additivesdrugand pollutantswhich are presenithe airwateand foodthawconsume.

Toxindo noonlcome from youexternaenvironmentthecan also be generated internallbunfriendlybacteria, yeastand parasites iyoudigestivsystemsYoubodis an amazing machine whiccan eliminate all thestoxinthrough mandifferenpathways; howeverexcess toxiexposurcan overburden this machineIfyou are nofeeling 100%a detoxification program will heltreducthis toxiload from youbodand puaspring back intyoustep. A safegentle and effective detoprogram will helcleayoubodoaccumulatedtoxins.

Naturasupplements are designed tsupporyoubodydetoxification and repaisystems.

It’s Time for a Clean!

A naturadetoxification program can be one othe moseffectivwaytrapidlimprovthe state oyouhealth,as iwill helcleatoxinouoyoubodand leavyou feeling energised & healthy. Howeverdetoxification is aserioubusiness and yousafetand comforduring the process is importantThereforethe besdetois a program done undethe guidance and supporoa qualified healthcare practitioner. 

The Three Step Clean!

A good detoprogram shoulinvolvthree majostepsFirst, you need tremovthe bad” bugfrom yourdigestivsystem; and then replacthe bad” bugwith negood” bug(ouwitthe old and iwitthe new).Finally, you need tsupporand enhancyouliverand kidneys’ capacittremovwastfrom youbody. 

Dietary Tips

During youdetox, iis reallimportant to eaa healthwell balanced dietAsutodaabout the besdieforyouindividuarequirementto ensuryou are eating the righfoodfoyoubodin ordeto maximisthe detoxification process.

There arsome simple diechangeyou can maktodato helreducyouleveotoxicity:

Always loofofresseasonafruiand vegetablesYou mabe ablto gesome greabuyat the locagrowersmarketothe nearbfruishopIis alwaypreferablto buorganiproducwhen you can. 

  • Remembeto avoid packaged and processed foodamuch apossible.
  • Iis important to eliminatfoodcontaining artificiacoloursflavoursadditiveand flavouenhancersawellafoodcontaining hydrogenated fatsThis information is usuallcontained ithe ingredients lison the foodlabel.
  • Read the ingredients list to ensurthat the food doenocontain high amountosaturated fatgluten andsugarSugacan be ithe form oglucosesucrosefructosecorsyrupmaltodextrindextrosemalsyrup,molassesmaltoselactose ohoney.
  • Fresvegetabljuice makea greaaddition to a healthdietIyou own a juicertrjuicing carrotsapples,gingerfresh beetrootcelerand lemons.

Source: Wellness Review 2009