Isn’t it time you gave your body a spring clean? As the weather starts to warm, our thoughts turn to shedding off those winter clothes and possibly a few extra kilos, and it may be time for a spring detox. If your body is overloaded with toxins, you may feel tired, sluggish and bloated. You may even feel depressed or anxious and suffer with a foggy head.
In our modern world toxins are almost impossible to avoid. Environmental toxins include things like pesticides, food additives, air and water pollution and heavy metals. However, toxins can also be generated within your own body. If you have an overgrowth of harmful bacteria in your intestines, they produce toxins that cause inflammation and free radical damage inside your body.
Your body is cleverly designed to break down toxic substances you are exposed to and eliminate them. However, if you live in a polluted environment, are stressed, drink too much alcohol or suffer with nutrient deficiencies, the detox channels in your body can quickly become overwhelmed. In this instance, your health would greatly benefit from following an alkalising diet ( 80% vegetables and fruit : 20% animal proteins rule) and following a short structured detox regime that includes lots of good quality water. In following a detox program, you may experience a range of health benefits, such as:
- Increased energy
- Reduced sugar cravings
- Achievement of a healthy weight
- Less abdominal bloating
- Clear skin
- Improved concentration and memory
- Better moods and less mood swings
- Better sleep
- Improved immune system function
- Less fluid retention
Margaret Jasinska ND, Co-author of The Ultimate Detox. Check with your healthcare professional before embarking on any detox program.