The terms “GM” and “GMO” have been a hot discussion topic over the past few years. GM stands for genetically modified, while GMO stands for genetically modified organism. These two terms are associated with crop and produce gene modifications. These modifications are done for various reasons, including disease resistance and to prevent produce from spoiling. However, GMO produce and crops do not come from nature – they come from the lab, which creates a high level of consumer concern over their safety.
The only way a consumer can be assured that they know what’s going into their body is to purchase organically certified products and foods, including produce. Organic produce is a product of nature without any modifications or mutations; resulting in fruits and vegetables that are better for you. Not convinced that organic is the way to go? Here are 3 reasons why organic produce is better for you:
Organic Produce Retains Nutrients and Minerals
Since organic produce does not get altered, modified or have chemicals applied to it, nature’s nutrients stay intact. Such nutrients include antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.
Since organic food often comes from local growers, it usually takes less time to get the produce from the farm to the supermarket and then into the customer’s hands. Produce that’ freshly purchased provides optimal taste.
It’s Better for the Environment
Organic fruits and vegetables do not impact the environment because pesticides are not being released. When pesticides are used, there’s a risk for the chemicals affecting the water supply, surrounding soil, livestock and wildlife. Produce that’s genetically modified results in higher energy consumption in addition to releasing pesticides into the environment when they are grown. Pesticides do not just affect you when you eat the produce; they also affect you by making it into other natural resources that you consume.
Organic produce – better for you, better for the environment.