The phrase “I’d love to eat organic but it’s just too expensive” is common to hear. While it’s true that organic food, organic cooking products and personal care items are traditionally more expensive than products that are mass-produced, there are ways to save money when you buy organic so that it’s not taking a large swatch out of your budget every month. If you want to start eating organic, you want to eating organic more or you’re just looking to save a few extra dollars during your regular shopping trips, here are 3 ways to buy organic and save money:
- As with most consumer items, if a person buys in bulk they can normally see savings off of the total cost. The same can be said when buying organic grocery items such as food and cleaning supplies. It’s also important to remember that when stored properly, food and organic products can oftentimes be kept fresh until you’re ready to cook the food or use the organic products.
- Buy organic food that is from local farms or organic products that are made locally. When you buy organic from local farmers, there is less cost for transportation and other associated processes that can raise the price. Not only can you save money, but you’re also helping to support the local economy.
- Finally, one of the most valuable ways to save on organic food is to buy fruits and vegetables when they are in season. When crops are in season, there is normally a greater supply than during non-growing seasons. In addition, out of season organic foods may have to travel further since they are grown in other areas, therefore causing the costs to rise.
When looking to save money on buying organic, another tip is to buy in bulk with a friend or family member. One of the main reasons why people don’t like to buy in bulk is because the food or items may go bad before they are used. As was noted, this happening can be reduced with proper storing methods, but if you don’t have a lot of food storage, going in with a friend or family member will allow you to buy only what you need rather than buy in excess.
A new service we now provide at The Meat-Ting Place for even better savings is our Co-Op shopping. Get a group of friends, work mates or family together and use your group buying power to get the best prices ever on our organic meats, poultry and fish.See how our Co-Op Group Buying can work for you and then simply register.